A Video Case Study - Taiya & Lexi


In News, Photography, video by Ian Harding

A Video Case Study - Taiya and Lexi hugging and smiling at camera

Video Case Study. TLG (Transforming Lives for Good) is a charity that helps churches and community centres to support disadvantaged families through their nationwide Make Lunch programme and also children who have been excluded from school, through their Early Intervention and Education Centres.

The Early Intervention programme enables trained volunteers to become coaches and work on a one-to-one basis with children, with the overall aim of reducing the child’s felt anxieties and increasing their confidence and aspirations. Over time, the coach becomes a trusted support to the child, their teacher and their family.


A Video Case Study - Taiya and Miriam, showing their relationship

We were briefed to produce a video that told the story of Taiya and Lexi, their journey through the Early Intervention programme and the relationship they have formed with their coaches Miriam and Toni. We travelled to Wigan and spent an afternoon filming interviews with the children, their coaches and the headmaster of their school.

The room we were given was small but fortunately well lit so we managed to cram in the team and cameras but only needed to use one small light as an extra fill-in. We started with Taiya and Lexi – they were great fun and as children have a tendency to do, they played to the camera beautifully and gave us some great moments of laughter with their cheeky personalities shining through.


A Video Case Study - Lexi and Toni, showing their relationship

Of course there’s a serious side to their story which was told partly by themselves but more thoughtfully and sincerely through Miriam and Toni when we filmed them separately. We then we recorded the point of view of headteacher Alison who gave her perspective on the girls’ transformation and the amazing work that the coaches have done in turning their lives around. To mix it up, we then interviewed Taiya and Lexi with their respective coaches, capturing their unique relationship and the genuine respect they have for each other – and of course, more entertaining and funny moments! 


A Video Case Study - Taiya and Lexi, showing their friendship

For the edit we needed b-roll so we went out to the playground, filming with a stabilised camera that was invaluable for following the girls through the trees and up & around the climbing equipment, catching the girls playfulness, mischief and joy. Lastly, we set-up a game of Jenga in the library between them and the coaches, capturing more laughter and funny moments. 


An example of the edit in Final Cut Pro

Back in the studio everything was ingested and edited in Final Cut Pro, with the interviews forming the narrative structure and the b-roll slotting in to highlight key points. The whole process took a few weeks of us working closely with TLG’s comms team – after several sets of amends, tweaks and corrections, the final edit was supplied and approved, another happy client!😀 Watch the full video below…

“It all looks fantastic, thank you so much for your hard work and skill

– we really appreciate it and are so excited to share this wonderful film with our supporters.”
Lucy Hess, TLG.